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3 cylinders on a G60 revs slow

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checked spark plugs, checked BTS sensor, fuel system was rewired recently. Car runs fine when engine is cold. once warmed up engine ~5 mins sounds like a subaru, like im losing a cylinder. AFR readings are inconsistent, sometimes really rich, sometimes lean and it jumps around.


engine cools down for a few minutes and runs fine for a second.


anyone have some tests?


thanks guys.

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to add to that on start up my O2 sensor read .7VDC and slowly crept down to .07VDC, after engine ran warm it stayed at .02V through revving.


also when driving my car would suddenly pick up and drive fine, then drive like crap a few moments later. it would toggle like that intermittently while driving on a warm engine.


any people with G60's have their O2 sensor blow and what happens, I previously replaced this sensor thinking it was broken but it wasn't, newer one could be broken.


and last but not least does anyone have the blink code readout from a G60 ECU and know how I can make my own blinker =-).


thanks guys!!!

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Try disconnecting the O2 sensor, sounds like a faulty sensor to me.


Low voltages like that indicate to the ECU that you're running too lean, so the ECU tries to enrich the mixture till it gets a suitable feedback signal from the O2-sensor, which of course, will never happen if the sensor is faulty, hence the ECU keeps on enriching.


Disconnecting the sensor will run the ECU in a sort of diagnostic mode, perfectly drivable, though, if not a wee bit rich, but nothing very noticable.



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yeah it still does the faulty running with the sensor unplugged, I took it for a drive today sounds to me like I am running without an injector.



going to take out the injectors this weekend and test my wiring.

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OK so here is what I have done to diagnose this problem,


1. unplugged O2 sensor, still did it.

2. checked my injectors, all fire at all times.

3. checked injector wiring (before injectors).

4. swapped the blue CTS sensor wire with the black sensor wire.


here is a video, engine runs fine but its got no power and feels like 3 cylinders.


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