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FAO of those that have a G60

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just wanted to know the dimensions of all the inlets etc on a g60 charger, i cant find a site anywhere, i might be buying a g40 and want to put a g60 charger in it.


any other helps is great



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Your probably better off putting an eaton charger (mini cooper supercharger) in the G40s tbh mate, it will be cheaper in the long run..?


the G40s tend to rev up very quickly... the G60 chargers dont like that too much...


Contact Steve at Pitsop Developments, he does a bolt on kit i believe for the eaton charger.


Eaton chargers can be bought relatively cheap aswell.. quite a nice mod!



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yer i know a few that have done eaton conversions, just wanted to do something different, but the eaton's to sound amazin


cheers matey

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UGH :bad-words: i just F'n typed everything out and submit and it didn't go through... DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i remember the metric measurements... i'll get the american again...


Intake Inlets (both sides intake and boost return) are 68mm (or 2 7/16") and narrows across 5mm in depth into the charger inlet down to 62mm. from bolt hole to bolt hole for intake mounting is 80mm (or 3 5/32")


Compressor outlet is 80mm (or 3 5/32) and there is a bolt in the dead center (40mm in) of the outlet that holds on the silencer box, rallye golf outlet, or RSR outlet on to adapt to boost tubes...


hope that helps...


p.s. i did the measurements with a tape measure not a feeler gauge... it is possible for those to be off but i measured and remeasured and triple checked so they should be about dead on...

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