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Tracker device's any recommendations?

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Hi All,


I am looking at getting a tracker fitted to my G60, can anyone recommend a good system? And advise on how much I can expect to pay for the system, I guess there is a yearly subscription on top of the purchase + fitting price?


Henny if you read this mate I like the sound of your system! Paid off when the garage took HUUY for a blast eh checky feckers!!


I also like the sound of this system:


Tracker system


Anyone got one fitted/heard good or bad news about it?


Last but not least does anyone know of a recommended alarm/tracker fitter in or around Southampton?


not check the Recommended alarm fitters post yet but will do now! :oops:





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Just had this back from Auto-txt:



Thank you for your enquiry,


Prices start from £649.99 for the unit and install and the for two year UK & European subscription it is £429, we also offer a 3 year subscription.


Due to the huge take up on Auto-txt we have temporarily run out of stock. We are hoping to have new stock available ready for install in the next few months. If you would like us to contact you when we have availability then please email back and we will keep your contact details and our customer service operator will contact you once they are back in stock.



Bit too rich for my blood if I was going to spend £650 on my car it would be for something to make it go or stop quicker!!

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mine's a Trak-M8 classic... it's one of the very early models, so is quite big by todays standards and doesn't have some of the "bells and whistles" that some of the newer ones have... the reason I like it is that it doesn't report to a service center, it reports to any mobile phone YOU set it to, so you stay in control of it AND therefore don't have an annual service charge... 8) I think mine's the equivalent of their new T4 unit... difficult to say to be honest as the technology's come a long way since mine was made... :|


There's a few other similar systems available now... I think I paid £350 for mine about 4 years ago now, but it's deffo been worth it as it's been used as proof I wasn't speeding in a car accident, stopped that garage joy-riding in my car and given me peace of mind that my car IS still where I left it! :lol:


*edit* ooh, just found this which is EXACTLY the one I've got in my car... :) Don't think it's still available, but at least it'll give you an idea... I have seen them on ebay in the past, so it's worth keeping an eye on there... ;)

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Cheers Henny looks good :-) am I like the idea of not having to pay a subscription!


Will keep an eye on ebay, just another quick one any idea how much

a tracker affected your insurance? I guess it must have paid for itself by now in reduced premiums?


Thanks for the info

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Smartnav from traffic master is a fixed sat nav system that you can have Trackstar activated on. they are easy to fit and on the bay for about £150.00 navigation is 90p per trip or £120 a year. i pay £248 for tracking, nav and safe speed.

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mine didn't actually knock anything off the insurance premium as I've already got a cat1 alarm/immobiliser on the car anyway, so get the max security discount from that... but they were a lot happier about the agreed value amount knowing that it was on there... ;)


Last one I saw on ebay (was about 9 months ago was when I last looked) went for around £150...

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I see :-) cheers for the info!


Was trying to decide between cat1 alarm/immobiliser or tracker but guess I should get a cat 1 on there first!

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deffo get the cat1 first... it'll stop the oportunist thief from joy-riding your Corrado pretty well...


It's the gits who know what's in my car and what it'd be worth in bits who'd either pull the car onto a trailer or nick the keys and car-jackers that I wanted to stop with the tracker... helps that I've modded mine so that I can kill the engine (and activate a couple of other interesting devices at the same time ;) :twisted: :onfire: :snipersmile: ) with a simple text message to the car... 8)

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and activate a couple of other interesting devices


Like the ricin gas canister under the drivers seat? :-) second thoughts no thats far to swift a death for the theving scum! You want something really nasty in there! :twisted: Shame you can only buy that really good stuff of the US government if you happen to be a power mad dictator :-(


Sorry getting carried away there on the wrong forum! :oops:

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there's plenty of things you can trigger electrically that'll make someone think twice before they ever try to steal a car again... ;) Oh, and that'll make it damned obvious that something is going on with said car and that someone REALLY should get the police over to it ASAP... ;) :lol: :twisted:


Let's just say that whoever is in the vehicle when it's activated won't be able to see much (once the car's stopped), and definately won't be able to hear a lot for a fair old while... :lol: :ignore:

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No Henny, you.... you haven't installed a Barbera Striesand album onto your HD head unit have you????? lol

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see.... even the thought of it sends most people screaming off away from my car... :D 8) :lol:

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I have A TRACKER system fitted to mine..


Although i havnt had the chance to use it yet they seem really good. I think there quite a big company.


Costs around £900 i think the guy said. But there is no subscriptions or anything.


Although i didnt get any reduction in my premium and i am with flux.

Still it really does give you more piece of mind that if you woke up and the car was gone.. you may get it back.

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