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Headlight switch

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When the lights are on sidelights, the switch is illuminated with a green L.E.D in the centre of the switch, when they are switched to to main beam, the L.E.D doesnt light! is this supposed to happen?


My fog lights also do not work, the L.E.D on this switch doesnt even light, what does tis mean??


thanks in advance!!! (just trying to sort out a couple of interior electricial niggles on an otherwise perfect car!!)


its an 89' 16v by the way. :D

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My headlight switch does the same and my foglight led only comes on when i have front and back fogs on. Tis a mystery.

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Headlight switch should do that, it's a warning lamp I think (quite pathetic instead of a buzzer) and also comes on if you turn off the ignition whilst the switch is pressed all the way to dip beam.


AFAIK, fog light switch should operate as fronts only (position 1) then front and rear on together on position 2, you could always get a second fog switch for the dash?




can you only turn on front fogs with the back fogs on??

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only way to check is to remove the switch and check continuity across the connections(for each switch position) with a test light or simple multimeter.

For checking LED's I've found a 7 volt dc transformer (old mobile phone transformer) gives enough juice to make the corrado switch LED's glow, a bulb can be easily checked viually or with the multimeter to be sure, you would need to take at least the rocking front part of the switch off to get at the bulb though.

If the switch operates the lights OK but doesn't illuminate the switch itself it can only be the bulb inside.




if the switch doesnt light would you thibk something is wrong with the switch rather than a bulb or something??

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I know its obvious, but you have checked the fuse right?


The first time I used my fogs since I had the car (1 year) was in the MOT, and it failled cos of them, was just the fuse though, but a replace of the same value (according to the manual) also blew, so I just used the next rating up, works fine now.


That would result in the lights and switch not working BTW



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