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Vernier Pulley???

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At the mo im just seeing what options i've got,

i want to change to inlet cam to a KR, and get it all set up mint, i've already got the 50mm inlet manifold so dont need 1 of them, im also after a descent manifold and exhaust system,


basically i want to get the engine to breath the best i can without major work, eventually i will get the head ported and polished aswell,


i like NA engines so i want to get the most power without any form of forced induction,


if you have any advice or idea's i am all ears as they say!!!

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if you haven't already, then check here: http://the-corrado.net/wiki/index.php/16v_Tuning_Guide


In my experience, a VAG camshaft doesn't need a vernier to get the optimum from it, they're bang on with the basic pulley, the main use would be for a highly tuned 16v that revs to 7,500 or above where you could use a vernier on really high lift aftermarket cams to adjust the torque peak for the best overall delivery. Once you get into these realms than you'll be spending a lot on rolling road time to extract the last odd hp here and there from an engine and a vernier might just help you get things spot on.

My fav order has always been:


head (possibly with inlet and exhaust manifold flowing) -

cams (KR or ABF on a 2L, maybe aftermarket afterwards)

engine balancing/blueprinting, lightened flywheel

full ECU injection/throttle bodies

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i dont suppose you no the best places to find such things as exhaust maniflods and maybe throttle bodies?

or just the best place to find stuff for Rado's in general??


thanks very much for the advise much appreciated!

i had an 8v mk2 gti previous so 16v is fairly new to me!!!


thanks again!

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i've already got the 50mm inlet manifold


Due to the 50mm being too big and the 42mm version a bit restrictive beyond 6k , i'v got hold of a tool that will hopfully bore the big plenum 42mm manifold to 44-45mm, just an experiment :)

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