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Rear brake bias rattle?!

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Had a rattle for ages thats driving me mad now.


Basically a squeaky rattle worse over short quick bumps in sucession.


Definatley coming from passenger side. Had originally put it down to a worn CV joint which i know is going on that side. Now having had a look underneath it seem the Brake bias has a bit of play in the hinge on it. Side to side movement on the pin.


Has anyone had this before. Brake bias is definatley not seized so dont want to replace it at a cost of Parts £75 + Labout if i can avoid it.


Plus if i do replace it and i at least put it on myself how'd you go about getting the thing off i.e. pin out





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Not on the Corrado, but I'm pretty sure that's where a rattle is coming from on my Polo. The arm is all loose. Haven't had a proper look at it yet, so haven't decided what to do with it....... I'd imagine something is seized cos the spring should hold it tight I'd have thought :)

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