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Value of this....?

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Right, as some of you may know, I'm after some leathers for my C. (Thanks again for the offer of some Aberdeen Angus, Brian! :D )


What I really have no idea about, is how much I would get for my cloth interior.


It is absolutely mint with no worn bolsters, rips, burns etc etc. It had the centre arm-rest in the back. Colour is as per the picture.




I suppose it would appeal to people looking to replace their worn interiors or to people who want to stick it in a different dub as a project car.


But what's it worth, and would it sell???

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its hard to say mate


even i have a set of mint grey complete interior for a corrado out of my mates for £250 and no takers doesnt ehlp theres people on pvw selling them for less than £200


Also when i sold my seats about 2 years ago i got £200 for just the seats stil have my old door cards at home which prob end up in the skip soon :(


I would say put it on a high price just to test the water and work from there

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Yeah I was thinking that about £300 might be the top-end but £200-£250 might be a more reasonable target.


I'll stick em in all the classifieds I can think of, once I've agreed on some leathers.


Cheers Alex - others opinions still welcome :)

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I'm looking at replacing my seats as mine are a bit worn. Just have to be grey. I have the early interior but the door cards don't have a patten on anyway.


Only problem is I'm off overseas for a couple of months (work) and won't be back until Jan/Feb


Put them in the parts for sale section, you have nothing to lose.

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