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New Highway Code

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ok, Jay2, now there really are some new rules, lol. Thought some people may wish to discuss/joke about this topic. There may even be someone who has found which are all the new rules.


Not read it all yet, so not sure what the implications are; I am sure if it was important stuff it would make bigger news, if not warrant letters to all households. Got as far as rule 148 safe driving. Presume the reference to CD player is new? MUST NOT smoke in a public vehicle, presume taxis, and vans for work etc. MUST NOT use mobile phone and similar devises.... like Sat-Nav?


Turning off the engine in stoppages likely to be over 2mins - can foresee a few dodgy old motors not getting started again, lol.


I know the news has picked up on the stuff about you need to be sensible and not allow mates to distract you - is this a sorry reflection of what new drivers tend to be at fault for? One of the lads in our office seems to have been to too many funerals and told stories of chatting/racing etc - its just wrong.


Rule 159, is that a drawing of an Aprilia RSV overtaking an Astra ? :lol:


And Kev's pet peeve - Overtaking - how often do you see people adhere to 168? Had a bloke in a Focus speed up as I overtook him, after following for some miles at 50 on a National limit; twonk !

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Turning off the engine in stoppages likely to be over 2mins


Do we have to buy crystal balls so as to be able to comply with that one?

Will it be an offence if the stoppage turns out to be 3 mins and we thought it would only be 1 min 50 secs?

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Newly Passed

I love this bit... "Once you have passed the driving test you will be able to drive on your own. This will provide you with lots of opportunities but you need to remain safe."


You mean newly passed Tom is likely to now be able to 'Get Some' now that he has his own motor, but must remember to wear a rubber?




"if you are driving with passengers, you are responsible for their safety. Don

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