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Neil L.

Irratic VR6....

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Lately my VR6 has become almost undrivable - It cold starts OK but when i drive off it starts becoming irratic and the power surges - the rev counter goes haywire (shooting up the scale and then dropping, most of the time to a stall!

Its not as if it gets better when warmed up - it still stalls at junctions & roundabouts.

Sometimes it will then settle down - as far as the surging is concerned - but the stalling still continues.

I think i need to get it on Vagcom asap but what is the most likely cause(Isv, fuel filter, loose hose, injectors)???? :(

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So many things could be causing this. Get it on VAGCOM asap. Could be leads, coilpack, MAF, air leak, Lambda etc etc!


Also, make sure there are no air leaks on the intake system. Also worth giving the ISV a good clean + check the hoses- mine stalled all the time and the sponge from the ISV damper pot had been sucked into one of the small ISV hoses.

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