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cold air issue

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Hey Guys


I have a problem i need to diagnose!!


Problem is all im getting is cold air from my heater! I have repalced a clogged Bias valve which i hoped would sort it but didn't. just getting more cold air!


I tested the heater matrix wasn't block, water is getting through it and it is not leaking inside the car!!


So i presume it isn't the heater matrix or am i wrong??


any ideas would be great as it seems to be hotter outside than inside my rado!! I know similar topics have be ran but cant find anything if the matrix isn't leaking and is passing water!


cheers guys

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mine is doin the same thing!! i cant work out what is it!! it aint leakin inside the car our out! ive flushed all the coolent out and started again but its still not very hot!! :(

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I'm getting some heat but then it goes. I'm thinking i may have leaves blocking most of air flow through the matrix meaning so that the unblocked bit gets cooled with the extra air passing through it. Does this sound possible/plausible? I do have less air on the hot setting but the matrix would slow it a bit anyhow surely?

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Are the top and bottom rad hoses hot and the heater matrix pipe aswell when its up to running temp if not you've got a air lock somewhere!

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