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Ryan S

A friday afternoon recaro question

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Golf and Corrado / Scirocco ones are basically identical, except Corrado / Scirocco ones are height adjustable (be in manually or electrically). I had a set of these MK2 RECARO manual subframes (non-height adjustable) which were attached to my RECARO's when I bought them (they were out of a MK2).


They will physically fit in but as mentioned previously in other posts about this, they will sit too high in the car (esp. a prob if you are tall like me !), to really be useable.


I know it's hard but really the only solution is to be patient and wait for a set or height adjustable Corrado or Scirocco runners / subframes to crop up somewhere, and be prepared to pay quite a lot for them as they are highly desirable, damn rare and difficult to find tbh.


I believe you MAY (don't quote me on that) still be able to get hold of them direct from RECARO or they are defo able to fabricate a set I have heard if they get a template set to copy.


Cheers and HTH

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Cheers for that.

So despite the seller on egay saying that they will fit the C, and are height adjustable - they're not actually the real deal! :roll:

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In a way he is telling the truth, I called him this afternoon and asked about the subframes. He said they were genuine Scirocco height-adjustable subrames, but the standard ones that fit standard seats, they don't fot the satndard 6-bolt RECARO bolt pattern, that said you could buy and cut / weld / drill them to fit RECARO seats. If they were the right ones, believe me I woulda bought them by this point, if they had turned out to be the ones I hoped they were !


Best to hold out for genuine set of Corrado / Scirocco RECARO subframes, check eBay.de and eBay.com constantly and you may get lucky, as I MAY have been, but we'll see..........


Cheers and again HTH.

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http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-GOLF-FRONT-REC ... dZViewItem


The ones above, were the ones I called about, it mentions Scirocco subframes also available, but these are height adj. but not RECARO-compatible.


Those ones in your last post, see my first post / reply to your original post. They will fit and are RECARO-compatible, but are NOT height adjustable, as can be seen clearly from the pic on eBay.

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