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stalling k reg 16v corrado

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gratefull for any help. i am not meachanicly mined. ive just brought a 2.0 16v k reg corrado

problem= when im traveling and i dip the clutch to stop in traffic it stalls. when i start the engine it does not stall but idels unevenly.

any help brilliant. andrew somerset thanks

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Hi Andrew.. this is a classic problem on the 16v (and other!) Corrado's and is usually fairly easy to solve.


I'd sugges first sticking your head in the engine bay and looking around for any splits in the rubber pipework from the airbox, and around the front of the intake manifold, etc. Listen for any noticable hissing noises, etc that indicate a split.


Next step remove the Idle Stabilisation Valve and give it a damn good cleaning out with some carb cleaner. This is the usual culprit for bad idle - sometimes a clean will sort it out - but sometimes they're just duff and you'll need to buy a new one...

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