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steering issue

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Ok so I have been having this problem for sometime now, and I thought it was gone after my last repair, but I have been proven wrong... So here we go(try to stay with me, it's hard to explain what exactly is happening, i try my best :lol: )

First my car: 1993 slc VR6.

Suspension upgrades: Fk coilovers, sitting pretty low

Wheels: 17" ASA wheels

Anyways. The issue is a jerk in the steering wheel, a hard jerk to the left and the snap back. When it jerks it's like a pop, when it happens it rotates about an inch to the left and then right back to where i was originaly holding it. It does not actually jerk the car just the wheel. Now when it happens: It does not happen right as I get into the car to drive, it starts after the car is warmed up. It mainly only happens in between gears and it does it in a series of like two to five pops.

Now my last repair was motor mounts, after this issue came up the first time i lifted the car and could tell the tranny mount was bad and that the other mounts could need replaced. So I upgraded, I went with BFI stage 1 motor mounts, a full poly mount. I did the mounts probably about a month ago and just now have been seeing the same issue. So it was dormant for a month but is now back.

So now what I am feeling is still a hard pop, no different than before, but now it happens at different times. Now it happens still after warmed up, but it only "or normally" happens when i'm letting off the clutch pedal and actually engaging the gear, or when I first press the clutch in and disengage the gear. And now I'm seeing it happening when I come to a stop actually braking. Like from 8mph down it happens and as i get slower and slower it spreads out like it's a rotating part.

Now my ideas for the problem are isolated down to: axle, bushing in control arm, or the steering rack itself. I say the rack because maybe after the fluid is heated it's somehow making a skip in the teeth. I really am at loss for this issue and need some help, any suggestions are appreciated.


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