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squeeky belt, the plot thickens. . .

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wonder if any of you guys can help me. . .


*changed the ancillary belt on my k-reg corrado vr6 (no air con)

about 50 miles later i started getting a skreech.

*then replaced the tensioner which was faulty (self tensioner)

still noisy

*took belt off and spun water pump which sounded a bit dodgy, replaced pump (fubar) and pully


also replaced belt again in case it was faulty


didnt make a noise for about a week but its squeeking again now

so basically its had

*belt (x2)


*water pump and pully


belt is tight and car is running fine other than noise


any ideas!!!?

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Been here before on a G60 with a pattern parts belt making a total RACKET. The noise was terrible - some folks even suggested my G-Lader was about to die.


VW belts have some sort of cloth / stitching in them designed to eliminate this specifically. Changed over to a genuine VW one - noise went away and never came back!

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hello everyone. . . thought i would start off with a question. . .


i got the belts from german and sweedish. . .


so maybe a trip to vw is in order, a guy said it couls be a kindof laquer on the belt itself, that takes a while to peel off, but thats pretty much eliminated now.


many thanks, will try this and see how it goes, will be nice to hear the engine for a change. ..

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i got the belts from german and sweedish. . .


I think we've found the problem!


Try a new genuine one and keep the other as a spare in the car...

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