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Bleeding Rear Brakes

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Ive Just finished the Overhaul of the rear Axle bushes And brake refurb and am in the process of putting it all back together :D So whats the best way to bleed the rear calipers, Ive adjusted the piston out as far as not to bind on the discs, Would i be better of dropping the car back on its wheels because of the compensator, and should i use an easybleed kit or just the old method of someone sat in the car pushing the pedal, and what fluid, Dot4 or should i use 5.1?


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dot 4 is fine


you need to cable tie the compensator valve fully open


id suggest some kind of pressure bleeder...the rears can be alkward to get right

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steveo29 Thanks, sussed the compensator bit, The passenger side bled fine with the gunson pressure bleeder but the drivers side wasn`t gonna play ball :? had to get the missus in the car (Only time she`s allowed in the drivers side) to manually bleed it! After an hour or so :shock: and some swearing it slowly started to seep through but i dont think its right! Put the wheels back on and turned it around back in the garage to start stripping the front down as its sorn so can`t really test it just yet...

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