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Found a Core Plug under the car

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As it sez.... Walked up the drive tonight n saw a tell tale pool of wet concrete!! N thought O S**T... :shock:


Sure enough a core plug was found under the car... So is this a good sign? Ie better than the block splitting :(


So how does one refit a core plug obvious I tap it in but does it need sealing ??


Ta all.

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Greetings Adie of the Flusted...


yes the yellow corrado with half of the isle of white bolted to it is still in repair.


The plug has popped due to the coldness here and the aparrent lack of anti freeze in the engine... It not been on the rd since June at least n has had water dropped n added many times.. I guess I just didn't put enough AF in it.


So reckon the block could be a duffer?? Or did the plug popping save me ass!


Ta bud



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