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Is it worth the risk/ should I walk away

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I'm looking for a runabout, a local dealer has a H reg 1.8 g60 corrado 140K on the clock no history whatsoever 6 owners on the v5. Any advice, he is looking for 2450. I am only tempted because I live near jabbasport and it seems a shame not to have one. What could the worst case scenaro be and what do you think its worth.:?:



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way too overpriced, you wanna pay about 1900/2000 to be honest. providing the bodywork,interior and drive are good id go for it. im sure £400 or so would get a charger service at jabbasport, if at all possible get it looked at by someone who knows what there doing (mechanic)

good luck!! :lol:

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by the way a lot of the g60 guys on the forum have finished with jabba, there lack of customer service and lack of interest in the g-lader has finally let them down!!

i cant remember his name but a guy on here has just started his own company, 'pitstop' who are dedicated to the g60 and customer service!!! :lol:

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I wouldn't without evidence the charger is OK or at least rebuildable. 140K is a long long way without some attention. Have a look round the charger and see if you can see Jabbasport etched in it anywhere. If you see some numbers written on it thats not evidence of a rebuild!!!


You need to think, if you pay 2450 you'll be into 500+ for the rebuild at Jabba, assuming it can be done. You then have a 3K car. You can get cheaper G60s than that, that have some history.


At that mileage what else is worn out, Suspension, brakes, tyres, exhaust. None of which come cheap. It could soon owe you 4K. Which you will never get back.


It would be worth asking if you could have Jabbasport remove and inspect the charger. If its duff, refit it and walk away. If it can be done then you want £500 off the price.


It would be worth £150 in the long run. If your dealer won't entertain it. Look for another.


My Golf only had 80K miles on it when I bought it. The charger was close to being $hagged. I know that I have to keep my eye on it. A DIY rebuild every 2 years or so will prevent me having to hunt around for a new charger.


If you buy the wrong one, a G60 can knock lumps off your wallet big time.


Ask Henny about Starship mileage G60s.


The chassis and engine can take it but an unloved charger is the starw that breaks etc.....


Without any history it would be worth 1500 tops, to me. I can do my own charger if needed. If it is beyond repair, I could get another and save the day. Or you could fit a turbo kit??


On the otherhand if your dealer is offering a warranty then it might be worth a go.



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With regret, I second Joes comments ref Jabbasport. They are no longer the 'ones'. IMHO. Too much money to be made in 1.8Ts.


They were great 3 years ago when I had my first rebuild but......................


Talk to Beavis or g-man. Pitstop and G-werks. Two of the most helpful blokes in G60s going.....

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Ask Henny about Starship mileage G60s.

Don't I just! :roll: :lol: 225K miles and counting! :shock:


OK, the engine is basically just an 8V GTI engine with a few mods to help/let it take the G60's power better... If it's been looked after (like mine had until the last one or two owners) then you can happily do starship mileage with few problems, as long as the servicing has been taken care of... 8)


By the sounds of things I got one of the last good Jabba services for G60s as I found their service excellent, and their aftersales was great, although I never had to phone them after picking the car back up from them, and compared to newer prices, what I paid was quite heavy (but not too much!)...


I'd agree that an unloved (and unserviced) charger is the weak link in the G60 'rado, and if it's got no history then you should be very careful... That said, mine came with little to no service history, but was a good price which made up for it... I was just unlucky that I missed that it's been clocked...


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