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Spanish Corrado

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Just thought I'd make you all jealous and let you know how much fun I've been having recently hillwalking, climbing, biking, canoeing, pub-crawling and eating too much in Spain, and been back for a whole 13 days now and am just so happy to be back at work - not.

Weather was great, about 21 and sunny with just a bit of rain the last night.

Posted this on car chat coz I got pix of the one C I saw out there. It's debadged but decided its a 16V after having a good nosey inside & through the grille.

Also a pic of me with my knobbly knees and white hat enjoying life on top of a 'hill' near Calpe .

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Hi Nigel,

The Alicante area I reckon - staying at a place called Oliva, just north of Denia (where I spotted the C), about mid way between Benidorm and Valencia

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