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Mystic Rado

Vibra-Technics Rear Beam Pivot Bushes

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I'm just about to get the rear beam bushing thingees replaced in my Storm. I don't want poly bushings as they made my Mark 2 quite twitchy, but I'm wondering about the Vibra-Technics pivot bushes and whether they're an improvement on the original VAG parts. I'm going to stick R32 ones on the front wishbone I think, but I'm not sure whether to go VT or OE on the rear.


Has anyone used the VT ones? Their site blurb says:


The standard rear beam bushes are designed to give some rear compliance steering for safer car control by the 'general' driver. To eliminate this and give the car a much tighter and responsive feel Vibra-Technics have developed a solution using a stiffer rubber bush (making it group N acceptable). These bushes are a direct replacement for the original.


What I don't want is harsh and twitchy, which it sounds like they may be?

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I replaced with OE on mine and it feels fantastic. I wouldnt want it to feel any different now they have been done..

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Thanks Goldie, OE's the way I'm leaning. I'm thinking VT may not be as harsh as poly bushes, but I like the idea of keeping the rear passive steering thing for normal road use. I'm thinking the current bushes will be well trashed by now, so standard OE are going to be a major improvement.

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I just had the rear bushes changed last week. I went with OE and was hugely impressed with the difference.

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