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Dodgy Idle - Help needed

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Hi, I bought me my first corrado VR6 just over a month ago now, It had a few problem but i have sorted most of them now but the idle. When i start the car in the morning from cold it idles at about 700 rpm, when it gets to temprature it idles at just over 1000rpm. Some times when im sat in traffic the idle bounced about a bit, i have taken a video of this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpfPAUuCPC8


If any one out there has any idea what could be wrong any info would be great




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Right, i have searched high and low for this problem, Found many many posts but nothing similar to what im getting. i have replaced the ISV for a brand new unit. when i turn the car on from cold it idles very low, if i blip the throttle its drops so low most of the time its stalls.When the engine gets to temprature it idles perfectly. This morning i have a few thing to check like the foam from the baffel stuck in the pipe, check for air leaks and stick my laptop on vagcom. if theres any thing else i may have missed let me know

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I think it's just that this, along with water leaking into the car, are two of the most regularly asked questions. Try using the search up on the top right hand side, and prefix all of your search words with a '+' symbol... so in your case try:


+vr6 +idle


Or something like that. You'll find countless posts with information on this very subject :)

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ive searched, i found nothing relating to the problem i have. any ideas?

I have cleaned up my old valve, the car wouldnt start once i put it back on. all the pipes are clear and vagcom says there are no errors. all very strange

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I have cleaned up my old valve, the car wouldnt start once i put it back on.


Can you hear it buzzing with the ignition on.

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No. The aux pump runs on a hot engine with the ignition off.

Put up a picture of the area you have been working in the engine.

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