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Subframe assembly time! Questions inside...

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Hi everyone,


before I start this sometime this weekend, I have a few questions. I'm following the Bentley for G60 subframe and associated parts, but I'm unsure on some bits:


Are there any places that I definitely should / should not be using threadlock on the bolts? (gearbox/rear engine mount, wishbone bolts, rack bolts, etc etc etc)

Does anyone know how I can torque up the rack control arms when I can't get my torque wrench onto them anywhere(!)

How much grease should I be putting inside the steering rack rubber gaitors? I've heard just enough to liberally cover the teeth on the one side? (I have genuine VAG grease)


That's all I can think of for the mo, but will add more as and when.


Also, I'm planning to coat the added parts (both mounts, maybe the rack, wishbones, maybe ARB) in clear Waxoyl so that if they fail I can just scrub them down and take them back as opposed to having to remove paint etc. Is this a good idea? I'm thinking it is...


Thanks for any help,


Jon. :salute:

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Go old school for the torques, spanner and spring balance and maths :)

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Cheers matey :grin:


GOnna leave the rack to last I think, still need to replace the copper washers on the fluid lines.


Off to stick the wishbones and ARB on now! :clap:

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