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Midland Muppet drivers

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Ok, so we go for a good drive at the weekend; sun blazing, good fast A roads. Make good progress behind a mk2 MR2.


Wake up today, into Auto Mode, drift along the A road to work, know Im catching traffic up, so in zero rush. Glide through a set of bends, a good 15mph less than I would in the 2.0 Corrado. And coming the other way, a Scooby waving at me. Ahh fek, whats he waving at, is plodd round the corner? No worries, I can back off, stop for a hazzard in plenty of time. Hold on a second, he wastn't waving a friendly gesture... that was the frikkin w&nker sign. Now what on earth was his problem; I was well within my side of the road, I just exited the corner nice and swiftly; quicker than most because they treat the two bends as 2, and not 1 smooth one. Im utterly shocked; I never turn any heads in my bland boring family-car since I had to sell the C (the mean-looking head turning beuty it was).


What on earth has my driving got to do with him?


Had he caught me following that MR2 yesterday, he'd probably not have time to wave 'cos we'd be long gone by the time he blinked. Christ, can we swap cars and let me have another go round there; I reckon a scooby could hit 3 figures. Its this attitude of people today, that feel they've got to comment/gesture. I wouldn't dare say boo to anyone, in fear of getting shot - but maybe thats the problem living near Birmingham. Had none of this nonsense in Liverpool yesterday. Secondly; does everyone in the Midlands think the National limit is 50 or what!

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I hate it when people do things like this. There are quite a few single track roads were i live so sometimes i have to be careful. A while back i was in my 1970 1300cc beetle chugging up a pretty big hill, doing about 25mph in a 60 limit. Some jogger coming down the road so i moved over but he stepped out in front of me and gestured me to slow down. So i simply asked him why and he said i was driving too fast past him. If i went any slower i'd start rolling back wards. There was just enough from for 2 cars to pass, so plently of room for him. He said "what if i fell over and you hit me", i was so annoyed i said "well you'd be stupid then, maybe you should go find a road with a pavement to jog on" and drove off.


Then just the other day on the way to work, again in a 60 limit, a woman stepped and flapping her arms madly for me to stop, i was doing about 55. I slowed down and could quite obviously see about 200meters+ up the road there were some ducks crossing. I thought some major accident had happened or something. It just annoys me so much that people dont trust people in cars to notice things themselves and leave them to get on with stuff. The fact is, if i was blind enough that i couldnt see the ducks i wouldnt be driving would i?? Unless i am hurting anyone and i am within the speed limits i just wish people would mind there own and give me a bit of credit.

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Sometimes I feel the need to say something. I was overtaken yesterday, just entering Balsall Common by a guy in a souped up Sierra Cosworth. I'd slowed down to the limit (residential area ffs!) and he flew up behind me and put his foot to the floor and overtook me - and continued to accelerate away. He must have got up to 80-90MPH before he got to the roundabout. I'm afraid that, as he went past, I had to do the w4nker gesture out of the window. I'm all for a bit of fun in a car but there is a time and a place - a fricking road with houses where there could be kids playing, on a Sunday afternoon etc just isn't the right time or place frankly!

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M42 by NEC bit last Wednesday evening, about 6.30.

Heavy traffic as always at that time. 50 limit in place.

I'm in middle lane with everyone going about the same speed except for the occasional outside lane breaking for no reason!!

While traffic is staggered a motorbike weaves between middle and outside lane and is now in front of me.

Two cars ahead are side by side so he hovers around the white line between them, sometimes middle, sometimes outside lane causing me to have reduced distance for both lanes...

He moves over to outside lane just as outside has one of its breaking moments.

Middle lane has no reason to slow so we all continue (as per the 'undertaking... thread').

I'm now bonnet level with the bike and he decides to move over the other side of the white line i.e. MY space.


I made him aware of my presence as per the highway code.

He braked, pulling into left lane then undertook me, riding one handed while making a non highway code signal. :scratch:

Then continued to show how it takes one to know one by weaving through the traffic at speed.

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Nevermind Dizzy.


Butterfly. I do that journey stretch everyday, so know what you mean. Im a biker, so a bit aware of what we like to get up to; all within reason. Firsly if a car or bike moves past you and slides in front - ie into the 2 second gap you've left, ie huge really - then you let them; and back off a bit. Shouldnt hog his/her bumper. But at the end of the day, you used your horn as per Highway code and he had no right what so ever to get annoyed - if i was in his position, id feel vulnerable and get on with, squeeze the gap and pizzle off; or better still, avoid the motorways. Whats worse is how he/she has to wave at you... you could easily be a nutter and knock him off.


Jim, leave them to it.

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Stuart - I don't have a problem with motorbikes making progress with their benefit of reduced width. I rode pillion for almost 20 years (and tried my direct access but the bike was just a bit too tall for my 5' 2.5"...) but I didn't like the way, when there was no way past two cars travelling side by side he couldn't decide which lane he wanted to be in.

I certainly dropped back once he had gone in front of me as I was in the Storm and didn't want to damage it 8)

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