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mwa ha ha your friend has bought a £169 hair dryer for his golfs induction system :grin:


I would think the space the hair dryer takes up in the induction tube will restrict power rather than gain him any


Hate to say this but the guy selling this looks like the kinda guy that sells the wanker lights chavs put on their washer jets, I would definetly recommend not purchasing this unless you are :cuckoo:

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These have been talked about on many forums , i don't think they could move the volume of air required to work well and in fact i believe the fan would cause a restriction in the intake making it worse , first time i've seen a dump valve fitted to the unit mind you


air needed for a 2000cc 4 cylinder would be 500cc per rev per min so at 3000 revs 1.5 millon cc of air per min ,it would need to be one hell of a fan to better that ,turbo's spin at huge speeds to increase intake pressure , i don't very think that thing needs a dump valve


imo it won't work





must type quicker :)

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Hey it's "dyno proven" and Guarentees gains of approx 20bhp!


So must be good! :cuckoo:



:nuts: :nuts: :nuts:

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I would think the space the hair dryer takes up in the induction tube will restrict power rather than gain him any



thats exactly what i said!! not too sure what possessed him! i just got a message on facebook sayin he was gonna see what it did!! i laughed a lot :D


its out of character aswell which really surprised me!! his mk3 is immaculate, and oem and then he brings this out!! think he is just jealous he cant keep up with the VR :cheers:

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and the drain on the electrical system will make him lose power as the alternator trys to cope :lol:

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ive just shown him this thread :brickwall: and he is somewhat sheepish now and realises the idiotic error of his ways!! :clap: :clap:


im loving gloating at his stupidity!!

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