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hope this is where im supposed to post this....


I just bought a 93 rado like 2 weeks ago. and im completely new to vw and ive replaced like 4 relays already which have remedied some of the problems, but this is odd. My speedo shows 100mph when im doing 60mph (like it is in kph but using the mph numbers) and every other speed match pretty close, my tach is completely dead and my mpa works except oil temp doesnt and the mpg is way low at 4.5-5.5 mpg and i know im getting more than that. The background on the car from what the seller told me was, that when they had someone installing the radio (could also be the remote start) the odometer got set back like 20,000 miles so supposedly the car has 80k and shows 60k and the speedo started doing that and the tach died. i mean everything minus the tach works, fuel is fine, engine temp is fine, the clock is fine but those little anomalies. so if anyone has any suggestions that would be greatly appreciated.

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