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Help needed - brake judder

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Hi Guys,


I hope someone can help me here. At very low speeds and when I gently apply the brake, I get a horrible judder through the pedel, the pedel seems to lock up and can't be pressed and I also there is a clicking coming from the engine bay. It started happening six months ago but was once in a blue moon but now it has got to a point where I happens almost every time. Braking from higher speeds or harder seems to be fine.


I have replaced the front discs and pads all round but the problem is still there.


Anyone with any ideas?



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ABS issue? Sorry i cant be more specific then that :lol: Does it seem as if the ABS is cutting in a bit too eagarly?


I was also going to suggest a warped disc, but since you've changed them it would be unlikely to be that. Though, is there a chance one was warped when you bought them?

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I don't think it is a warped disc issue. I've had that on other cars before but this is different. I seems though it is being caused by a part of the braking system.


It's a bit wierd that I can't press down the brake pedal when it happens...

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I'd say its almost definitely an ABS issue.


I replaced my ABS pump and front sensors recently and have the same problem. Only ever happens when you apply the brakes at speeds below 15mph. You hear a clicking/vibrating noise coming from the engine bay, which can also be felt through the pedals - this is the ABS pump. Then when you touch the pedal the ABS cuts in and jars you to a stop, which is very irritating when you do a lot of town driving, keeps you on your toes tho :)


Do a search, there's a couple of posts on this issue. Most likley related to the gap between the ABS sensor magnet and the wheel rotor cage - needs to be even on both sides (between 3mm and 8mm apparently). It may be that the rotor is bent or damaged. Otherwise check that nothing is interfering with either the sensor or rotor, eg suspension, wheel bolts etc. Any of these could be fooling your ABS into thinking that the wheels are locking.


Hope this helps :)

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Thats sound like it is exactly the the same problem. Thanks for the advice, I will inspect the sensors and rings.


Thanks for your help.

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I've taken a look and the rings seems to be OK, no damage although they are not turning completely true. One of the sensors seems to have loads or crap on it compared to the other one. I think I will order new rings and sensors and replace them anyway and do the hubs and bearing while I'm at it.


Not this weekend though as I need to do some work on the Mk1 MR2 that I'm restoring!! :D


Will keep you posted.

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Good plan, it may well be that the sensor just needs cleaning, if its broken then the ABS light should come on (unless of course it has been disabled!). Might be worth replacing all the bits anyway, the sensors are pretty cheap.


Let me know how you get on anyway.


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Not this weekend though as I need to do some work on the Mk1 MR2 that I'm restoring!! :D

I have a few Mk1 MR2 bits lying aroung if you need them, pair of rear lights, exhaust manifold, rear quarter glass, rear window, rear visor, and a spoiler somewhere.

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