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G60 boost check - some weird results?

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I did the boost test to check what my standard-pullied charger was putting out and, after following the instructions on this forum, got figures around 880 at tickover which climbed to 5800-5850 when at the redline in 3rd & 4th. This is over twice what the guide says so i'm confused!


I got it into the alternative MFA mode OK and got to setting '2', but the figures it showed as I applied and came off boost were well over what they should've been?? Could this be due to a duff manifold sensor? I really want to establish what state of repair my charger is in before I get a smaller pulley on it. Anyone experienced this before??

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Yeh, 5800-5850 would make it the best charger in the world. 880 at idle is maybe a little high also. Make sure the MFA is in position 2 on the wiper stalk and on the second data reading once you're in the 'service' mode. Thinking about it, could you have put into the engine rpm reading by mistake? The numbers look sort of right for that.


Here's the other settings:


In position one:


-Engine MAP code

-Country code (1=Canada, 4=US ect)

-Speedometer drive ratio

-Upper RPM limit

-Lower RPM limit

-Deceleration fuel shutoff pressure (mbars)

-LCD Test


And in position 2:


-Test checksum of programmed bytes in memory

-Intake manifold vacuum (mbar)

-Engine rpm's

-Fuel consumption

-Signal from speed sensor

-Oil temperture

-Outside temperature

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OK, did this again (properly!) and got some even weirder results :(


At idle and until about 3 minutes into my journey it just displayed 1000, then about every 3 mins it changed to displaying 1010, 1020, 1030 and 1040??


This clearly isn't right, anyone else experienced this?

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I think you need to check the nylon vac pipe that runs to the clocks


Ding :D


One of the screws which attached this to the binnacle was loose, tightened it up again and at idle it was reading 450 8) Just got to take her for a decent run now to see how healthy the charger is... thanks for the help chaps.

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