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C. Will Corrado G60 2

Looking for wannabe VW scene journalists.

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Hi, I own a site called TorqueVW which launched 2 years ago. It was built by a two man team, me and a friend. Since the launch we've put together a good number of articles covering VW events, Feature Cars and How to guides.


Unfortunately over the last year we've ran out of time due to other commitments. Mainly getting married (not too each other!) and me having kids. We're now starting to get a little more free time back, so a decision needs to be made on whether to get it all rolling again or not.


Here's how I see it. Build up a new team of journalists/photographers and get it moving again or sell it :( .


Anyway, if anyone is interested please contact me.



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I'm really interested, I tried to do the same myself recently but gave up. www.dub-scene.co.uk if you want to see how far (or not!) I got.


I'm pretty handy with a camera (Check ut my flickr account linked in my sig) and I can write pretty well to.



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I'm really interested, I tried to do the same myself recently but gave up. http://www.dub-scene.co.uk if you want to see how far (or not!) I got.


I'm pretty handy with a camera (Check ut my flickr account linked in my sig) and I can write pretty well to.






You're in a similar position to me, want to do something but just can't get it moving. So looks like we could help each other out. I have the plaform and you have the skills (nice photographer by the way). Where are you based?



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I'm in Basingstoke in sunny northern Hampshire. I had a good nosey round your site earlier and it look really profesional. I can't believe I thought mine looked any good, ha ha.



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