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why do i have a lumpy ride????!!!!

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i have a feeling something isn't right with the rado, the ride is very lumpy, its not that its too stiff or really bumpy and crashy, the suspension feels fine, its more that it feels like i can feel every little niggle in the road...but over actual bumps or whatever its as you would expect! Its quite hard to describe...kinda wobbly!!


I have recently changed my tyres, but it was like this before! and its noticeably worse with more than 1 person in the car?? and feels as though its worse on the drivers side of the car, but maybe its just because that is where i sit!! any ideas???

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no not yet, have asked the garage to have a look monday but just trying to work out all the possible options..am still having trouble with the steering as well, its very vague, sometimes heavy, sometimes light, was wondering if the two could be interlinked..wheel bearings or something?

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to be honest, there are lots of people on here who know more than me, but normally when wheel bearings go they make a deep whirring noise as you drive, without that symptom i'd be suprised if the bearings were gone. Vague steering and a wandering car has me thinking bushes/top mounts etc. so i'd get them checked first. When tracking/camber is out this can make the steering light and heavy as the relationship between the tyre and road are wrong, so more or less effort will be needed to turn them.

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Sounds like your tracking is out, this might be something to do with suspension bushing etc.

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the only thing is i very recently had the tracking and camber done by a garage that i trust and have used for years, so i doubt its that??

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bushes and topmounts then i guess :shrug:


quite possibly, didnt make it to the garage today, hopefully tomorrow!


whatever it is, i hope i find the problem soon, its really ruining the fun of the car, in fact at the moment i really dont enjoy driving it at all which is quite disheartening! :(

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