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Heating problems

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Thaught that myself, gunna ring up n find out the year of manafacture of my matrix, if i can, get rid of the valves, pressure test type thing it and then see how that works. Its gotta be those stupied :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: valves. Took them off, checked they werent jammed up, blew air thru them, run water, work fine, even getting the car run up, theres hot water going thru them, just not from matrix to car. Flaps working on box etc.


This is the third successive weekend iv titted round with it, starting to seriously annoy me. Something that shouldv been a relatively simple job has turned into a nightmare.


Il keep you posted



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It would be worth whipping out the ducting from the blower to the matrix and getting your hand on the matrix. If it is heating up then you may have the problem I had on my 1.8 valver, namely 17 years of fluff and dust reducing the airflow to 2/3 of the matrix. The 1/3 that let ALL the air through just cooled that bit of the matrix, so it would warm a little and then cool off. New matrix sorted it and I wished I'd done it 2 years earlier than December '07!!


Hope that helps in some small way. :)

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Went into work earlier, drained coolant system, waited till stone cold, followed the instructions on the airlift, (amazing bit of kit, espescially if u dont have exhaust extractors or working on a diesel!!!) Did it in 5 mins if that, run it up and theres a massive airlock the other side of the frigging valves. Went to vw, ordered feed and return, gunna get rid of valves and repeat, should be sorted then.


Got the majority of the dash out so may just take the remainder out and give as much of the heater box a blowing/hoover as possible. Before i changed the matrix, it used to literally melt my face, i had to have the window open a crack in winter, even with it turned off. Cant wait to be warm in my car after the gym


My advice is, if uv fitted a new matrix, get rid of those :censored: valves. Theyv given me nothing but grief.



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got rid of my valves just now! i too had the fatest air lock, the amount of bubbles i could see coming out of the expansion tank wasnt even funny. I Dont have to wear hat and gloves in the rado anymore - happy days!

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Try filling the matrix up with coolant through the two feed pipes in the engine bay and then reconnect the pipes and fill the rest of the system.

Unbolting the expansion tank and holding it up above the level of the engine helps expell air as well.

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Sorted, removed the valves at lunchtime, used air lift on it, ran out of shop, heat coming through straight away. Sweet



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