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Gearbox removal

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Can some please tell me how long it will take to remove my gear box, replace the bolts that hold the engine mount breckett on and replace it, as i cannot do it myself and will need to pay a garage, thanks

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i've never taken the gearbox out of the car in-situ, but to do that and change the bolts etc shouldn't take more than about 2-3 hours at a guess.


if it takes them much longer then they have either run into problems, are inexperienced with VW's or are just plain crap!

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Anyone had this trouble before? Two of the bolts have snapped which hold the brackett on the the gear box which holds the engine mount to the sub frame?

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but if they have, it's just a case of supporting the engine and fitting new bolts through the starter and gearbox into the mount bracket.

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Here are some pics the first is from the top showing the front engine mount,


The second is showing the brackett from underneath with the bolt missing


I know they are not much help but does the gearbox need to come out to replace these bolts and is this the same as a golf.

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If thats the front engine mount bracket you should be able to just support the engine and unbolt it no need to remove box. someone had welded mine where the bracket had snapped so i had to strip rad and al sorts off the front end just to get a grinder in, but the box stayed on mate. Hope that helps u pal

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Yer I looked at it and it looks like I can just replace the bolts myself, thanks for all the replys lads.

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