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BLUE PRINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ok just woundering if anybody know where i can get corrado blueprints....


like this one


coz i model 3D models and i want to model the CORRADO....




heres a simple mode i made......

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I was in the process of setting up a 3D model of a Corrado, early days so far, but I have done a Lancia Delta HF Integrale in 3D Max 4 with Martini paintwork.


I would be interested to know if anyone else into CAD or 3D software has attemped to make a Corrado yet, or does everyone just draw Audi TTs?





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I was in the process of setting up a 3D model of a Corrado, early days so far, but I have done a Lancia Delta HF Integrale in 3D Max 4 with Martini paintwork.


I would be interested to know if anyone else into CAD or 3D software has attemped to make a Corrado yet, or does everyone just draw Audi TTs?





yer i would have started ages ago linke making mine and putting it into a game... *coz i program games* but i don't want to make the model and it is inaccrauate.... i want it to be perfect...

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Best way is to go out to your car with a tape measure and do a proper measured survey, can't get more accurate than that. I'm not into programming though, I can't get my head round that, I'm just into 3d visuals and renders with 3d Max.





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na mate my models are all traced in MAX i load the blueprints up and draw one by one and extrude all the pollys and vercies making the model...


heres on i made just now with porper blueprints... ohh the bodykit is non standard


try and guess what it will be when it is finished

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Here you are mate, some corrado blue prints!! I have some more somewhere else but carnt find them at the moment.


Are you learning max or do you use it profesionaly? I worked on indyseries for the ps2, xbox last year as a 3d artist. Gone back too uni now to finish my degree.


Try http://www.suurland.com for loads of blue prints, best blue print site on the web I reckon!

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I was thinking of doing somethoing similar on ADT then importing into VIZ 4. Might give it a try with them if I get time, cheers guys.

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CaiosG60 PWR



cheers soooo much now i can start my little project if i get board... and the top pint does not matter coz i will follow up from the front-sides...


i will create another thead with my progress...


: :-) :

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try and guess what it will be when it is finished






well, all saxo's are arent they? :roll:



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I did my Integrale that way, tracing patches over photos and drawings in max. But I'm going to use NURBS in Max 5 for my Corrado model cos you can get better surface curves (I think). Anyway still early days.... look forward to the thread on your progress.


Heres one I made earlier, well still working on really, not happy with it yet and the images are low res.





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I did my Integrale that way, tracing patches over photos and drawings in max. But I'm going to use NURBS in Max 5 for my Corrado model cos you can get better surface curves (I think). Anyway still early days.... look forward to the thread on your progress.


Heres one I made earlier, well still working on really, not happy with it yet and the images are low res.






that looks lovely mate :)


I dabbled in 3D stuff wilst at uni, but nothing at that standard :(

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Yeah I started with 3D stuff at uni on an architecture course, still do a bit at work, but cars are a lot more difficult to draw than buildings beacuse it's so hard to get the curves of the wings, bonnet, roof to look right. It took months on and off to draw that Integrale, but I was learning patch modelling in 3D max at the same time, not to mention photoshop for the textures.





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ohhh dubster82


it anit a saxo... LOL it a pyrotech puy 206 CC


lol is it really that bad...


pmsl, now i recognise it :lol:


it aint that bad, but not fat enough i think now lol, i can look at it and see both cars. the headlight shape and what looks like the bonnet leading edge all match :lol:



Nice lancia mate :D


lovely wheels :lol:



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