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Rear Wheel Issue.

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I pulled my drivers rear wheel off this afternoon to investigate why it's been sitting with far more camber then on the other side. I initially suspected the rear stub axle was bent ( As was suggested to me when I bought the car for my girlfriend) however now I've got the disc off there seems to be evidence of an old bearing race still there....






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I'm really not clued up on VW rear suspension, so I'm looking for a few pointers here. I'm guessing that the wheel bearing shouldn't have come off in different parts, so i'll need to change this again? It was changed for it's MOT last Saturday by the previous owner.


Any help greatly appreciated!


Cheers :D

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Hi mate, it's hard to tell with all the grease still on it but I think it's ok - remove this and should come up like new, then just check the surface the bearing runs on for scoring.


That rusted bit around the bolts is a cover to protect the dustsheild on the rear of the bearing, cheap from VW and they recommend you change it with every bearing change although most garages don't bother and just order a bearing kit...


Unfortunately it's usually the actual beam that bends and not the stub...

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Hi Thanks for the reply Supercharged, the beam doesn't look bent at all. So would it be ok to remove all that bent up metal if It's to be replaced?


I'm guessing that bearing protector is part no is 191501639A - Covering for models with disc brakes - I need to order a new split pin anyhow.


The Wheel bearing was recently replaced, would it be ok just to repack it with Moly grease and reuse or worth purchasing a new one?


Thanks for help!



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