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Broke Rad Hose Aswell! Not a Good Day!!

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ok so car was upto temp and i was waiting for my mate to come out of his house, goto temp where fans kick in and it turns out he was at his missus's house whjich is just up the street!. so i set off and give it some teddy then BANG! and loads of misfiring and nasty noises, manage to limp it to his gf's house open the bonnet and there is steam everywhere. turns out the elbow on the top hos has popped off with the 2 brass nuts attatched to it. stuffed it back in and filled her back up with water and she is ok now if im gentle(havent given it any causeit will just pop off again) is this a new radiator job or a new elbow?


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yup its pulled the 2 brass nuts out the top of the radiator im presuming there is a plastic top which holds them in and that they dont push in from the top.

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