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speed camera advice please????

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Hi all a question for you,


If there is a mobile camera on the side of the road in one of there many locations;


If you were over taking slower moving vehicles on a dual carriage way;


can the camera asses your speed if the slower cars on your left are between you and the camera? e.g in the direct line of site? or does the car have to be in full view?


Any help much apprecited?




By mobile camera do you mean vehicle or a fixed one on the side of the road. If it is a fixed camera then surely logic would dictate that the camera would be able to cover both parts of the carriage way as cars would be going faster on the outside lane and the :hitler: that position these would have taken this into account.


I got caught speeding on a dual carriageway by an officer with a laser gun. Info'd I would have to go to court :nono: produced papers but nothing came of it. My logic here was that loads of people must have been caught but fought the case as the officer would not be able to prove when laser fired what vehicle it hit on the dual carriageway. :clap: :norty: :grin:


I received nothing

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The gatsos need to take 2 pics i.e. 2 flashes. I think you'll be safe.

yeah, that's why I asked the question, as the Gatso takes two pics on the grid at a set time interval to prove the speed in addition to the speed sensor triggering it in the first place.

Whereas the Truvelo/traffic light cameras use induction loops laid into the tarmac.

So a gatso has to be facing the right way to take two pictures of the rear of the car, I triggered one years ago on a single carriageway, facing it, never heard anythjing from that, but then in some areas less than 1 in 3 gatsos has film or even the camera unit in it as they are so expensive, they move the camera unit around from box to box so you've got a good chance of avoiding a ticket anyway.


Oh and apparently on a gatso if you do over 165mph they'll only get one pic of you on the grid :lol:

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The gatsos need to take 2 pics i.e. 2 flashes. I think you'll be safe.

yeah, that's why I asked the question, as the Gatso takes two pics on the grid at a set time interval to prove the speed in addition to the speed sensor triggering it in the first place.

Whereas the Truvelo/traffic light cameras use induction loops laid into the tarmac.

So a gatso has to be facing the right way to take two pictures of the rear of the car, I triggered one years ago on a single carriageway, facing it, never heard anythjing from that, but then in some areas less than 1 in 3 gatsos has film or even the camera unit in it as they are so expensive, they move the camera unit around from box to box so you've got a good chance of avoiding a ticket anyway.


Oh and apparently on a gatso if you do over 165mph they'll only get one pic of you on the grid :lol:


Didnt they 'test' that on TG? :lol:

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i think its 14days from the date of offence, for them to issue a notice of intended prosicution.


then 6 months from the date of that until they can charge you


my brother went through that, and thought he had got off until the last day of the 6 months came and a fine arrived

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