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Fuel Filler Cap problem!

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Hi guys,

I decided to clean up under my arches and give them a general inspection and everything looks sound, I took the rubber shroud out round the fuel filler cap and inspect the metal around this area, as I understand it can be problematic with rust. Everything looks in great shape bar the ground which goes from the chassis to the metal ring on the fuel filler neck; the ground connector has rusted off!


I appreciate this is quite important so that when the fuel nozzle is put in the tank static electricity doesn't set off the fuel.


Pic :-



I phoned up VW and they suggested I needed a new fuel tank which is utterly ridiculous! can anybody suggest a solution to reconnect it?

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yes big problem! :lol:


it looks like the "ring" is still attached?... as long as you can get a good clean connection to the ring around the fuel filler neck you should still be roses.


  1. see if you can find where the ground connector cable meets the chassis[/*:m:1k6dpy4u]
  2. ideally remove it but if its difficult to get too id just clean it and make sure the connection to the chassis is still good and non rusty. (if your replacing it then attach a new piece of wire to the old one and pull it through, any size will do as long as its not tinny)[/*:m:1k6dpy4u]
  3. reattach the new wire with some solder to the existing ring [/*:m:1k6dpy4u]


job done :wink:


i think the existing fixing point to the chassis is actually between the fuel tank and the body though so if you cant get to it just find a new spot to fix against. As long as your fixing to something metallic and its out of the rain you'll get a good earth. :)


here's a dig. to help :) (its item 7!)

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Thanks for the reply :D.


The problem is that the earth connection where the wire connects to the nozzle ring is rusted. The earth wire is fine as I can make a new one up. Don't really want to be messing around with a hot soldering iron around the fuel tank :shock:

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LOL!!! :onfire:


yeh, i kinda forgot to mention that!


try this

conductive apoxy


If its the ring thats rusted and not the wire you could also try replacing the ring. All it is at the end of the day is a cut piece of steel isnt it? ive not looked in the fuel cap before so im unsure but i would asume you could simply "cold bond" a new wire to the underside of the fuel opening... then you need only use a crimp to attach the new wire to the old one.


if however your having trouble getting a good bond without wires trailing all over the place then i would look into getting a second hand spare... you dont wont to mess around with petrol!

if you can get a part number then try volk's apart, they're very good and brake rado's regularly. They may sell you the component as apposed to the whole fuel tank as well

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I will clean up the joint and attach a crocodile clip to the earth wire then use that epoxy glue which should sort it. Thanks for the info, I'm sure I will be able to sort something out :)

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