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Outer CV Boot Clip Query (Oo-Er)

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Afternoon fellow Corrado ambassadors.



I recently replaced both of the ARB links on the front of my VRsex, but have discovered that the old broken ARB link on the driver's side (UK car) had fouled the outer CV boot clip causing it to become loose and allow grease to be spat all about the inside of the wheel :(


I want to get this clip replaced ASAP before the CV joint gets the arse and lands me a big bill!!


I'd like to know if its and easy job I can do myself or if any special tools are needed? It looks pretty simple but I've never done one before, I'm teaching myself car maintainence as bits need doing on my car!


I'm sure i can get another clip form my local car parts shop but am unsure what I'd be asking for? Otherwise it's a trip to VW, or order a CV Boot kit from the net for about £15.



Thanks for reading if you got this far! Any help appreciated :)



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Hose Clip, Hose Clamp, someone will get what you mean. Doesnt need to be car either; just ensure its the same size. Make sure you can undo-it fully so it becomes an open clip, thus allowing you to place over the shaft, and then re-adjust to become a full-circle clip.


For a temporary measure you could use a cable-tie; but only temporary. The metal clips are very strong and allow gentle tightening. The correct metal clip will be no wider than the groove in the rubber boot. Throw some grease back into the joint before sealing up; the boot should push back a bit.

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any decent motor factor should have a parts bin or two full of them,

when you tighten up the new clamp they hook into place on themselves and you just hook them over on the tightest position by hand and them tension them up by squeezing the pinched section with a pair of pincer nosed pliers, the type with the curved jaws, not the proper tool but does the job fine.

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