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Not one for bragging!

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Now I'm not normally one for bragging about my achievements but after my "trials and tribulations" today I just had to SCREAM ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Firstly a little back ground, I am not a mechanic, engineer or even a "lets take the lid off just to have a look" kind of person. A car to me is a means of getting from A to B. I like driving but thats as far as my automotive experience goes. As I've stated in this forum before I have always loved the styling of the Corrado ever since they first rolled out but had never had the money or justification to buy one. 2 months ago I finally managed to buy my first C! A H reg 1.8 16v , Met Grey ( don't know the right term!) First thing I noticed was that the heater did'nt work, After reading loads of threads on here I was happy to assume it was just the "recall valve" and thanks to John Mitchell- 16VG60, giving my new steed the "once over" this was confirmed.


Today, finally after all the c**p weather we've had over the last few weekends, I got out there with a couple of bits of copper pipe, by-passed the valve and have a heater that works WooHoo!, not content with that I proceded to find the live wire to give my new/second hand Pioneer head unit a constant feed as it kept loosing the the radio pre-sets. This I mananged with a funny looking box called a multi meter, borrowed from a friend. Success!!!


Now I know some of you will be thinking " FFS get to the point" There isn't one except that I managed to fix/repair something on my car all on my lonesome without having to pay the earth to get some snotty nosed little twerp in my local garage sneer at me and tell me how simple a job it is.


I'm just chuffed with myself that's all and wanted to tell more people than just my wife!


:D :D :D :D :D

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well done,,, its a great feeling when u done something 100% urself and i bet u feel on top of the world

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