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downpipe and prob manifold removal?

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ive bought a stainless four branch but im a bit miffed about getting the downpipe out, just cant seem to wiggle it out and dont want to fook the heat shield.


getting close to pulling the angle grinder out so thought i had better ask. its the early type, no cat and two pipes going in to silencer.





also any ideas on getting manifold out (if thats as much of a pain) or putting the 4 branch in would be most helpful!!


and where should i get manifold gasket(s) from, this only came with two in the box.......not a good start.


cheers jim

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If it's the same as the 1.8 valver then you need it raised on a ramp to get the downpipe and exhaust off in one piece. I found it impossible to get off with the car on axle stands and evetually used an angle grinder just after the bend in the twin pipe. With the silencer out of the way I could turn the and wiggle it out. Towed it to the garage to get it raised on the ramp to put the new one in.

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oh joy. sounds like fun...... i think ill end up with angle ginder then!


yeah i agree its not much fun on axle stands, prob should have got the dust off my wallet and visited a garage but its all about learning i guess.


looks like i can sneak the manifold around the side of the engine and hopefully the 4 branch will go in that way too.


cheers for replying

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well i got the the old downpipe off (grinder on the twin pipes, thank you) got the exhaust manifold off too. which was a barrel of laughs.


am i best to use the original studs or put bolts in for the stainless?


and yeah still not sure about getting it in yet....looks tight for sneaking it down the side of the engine but if not i think i might take the drive shaft off looks like it will go, and i discovered it had nearly fell off whilst looking at it today, nice :scratch: .

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you'll be able to squeeze it in fine, got mine in no real issues


always use new exhaust studs, they weaken and are more prone to fracture with the heat they endure, so save yourself/ next owner the headache of having to deal with them breaking off as they cost pence each :)

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yeah sorry wasn't very clear. i meant is it best to use the original studs, (whats already there but new).


or should/can i change for say M8 x 30mm sets (bolts)??? haven't measured up yet so just guessing at size.


and where did you put yours in from? underneath or round the side of engine? axle stands or garage ramps?



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i just used the standards studs


i was working off four axle stands in the drive (goggles required :) ) am fairly sure I offered it up from underneath

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yeah tell me about it would have been knackered without goggles just to get this far.


bugger mine doesnt seem to fit from under or round the side, only had a quick go as light was fading.


think its gunna be drive shaft out the way to get it in....but need to look at drive shaft for damage anyway as it nearly fell off, could have cost a few quid!!

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