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very spongy pedal & fluid loss

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Have been losing a little bit brake fluid from the resovior and noticed the seals between the resovior and master cylinder were weeping fluid but pedal had felt fine, so thought maybe this was the cause and ordered some new ones. On friday pedal went very spongy, and brakes were poor, checked the resovior and no fluid. Checked all hoses, pipes and connections and no sign of leaking so toppped it up, which took a few fills of the resovior as the level kept droppin, Pedal then felt ok again, so didn't bleed the system as like i said the seal between the resovior and M/C are weeping and think bleeding with eazibleed will just push it out of these seals

On way back from work today pedal went very spongy again and handbrake light on dash came on. Checked resovior and no fluid, topped up but pedal feels slightly better but not at all great. When i press the pedal with the engine runnin it sounds like air behind the pedal.


I'm Wonderin whether it just needs bleeding or if the M/C has gone or something has gone as its losing fluid somewhere??? :shrug:



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Needs bleeding, if the fluid has been depleted then you've pushed air into the brake lines. Hence the sponginess.

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Be very careful you dont want to be out and about and the pedal just go to the floor.


As for leaking have you checked all the bleed nipples are tight and not leaking???

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Cheers toad thats pretty much what i was thinkin and don't worry jon, not driving until its sorted. This weekend I'm swapping the rear axle for another restored one with new bushes, new pressure reg, bradied hoses and copper lines, rear bearings and ABS rings and braided hoses for the front, plus seals for the resovior so will bleed it all then, just wanted to check it was just bleedin needed and that i didn't need a new M/C before i get started


Thanks for the speedy replies




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how you getting on with this pal - did you find the leak?


i take it there's no sign of fluid leaking under the car...


if that's the case, it's going to be worth taking the driver's side dash undertry out and pulling the carpet back from where the master comes through the firewall - you may find it's been weeping into the footwell...

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Well Im halfway through swappng the rear axle and everything so haven't got to the front yet but will check in the footwell, cheers for the tip




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Well finally found my lost fluid....as suspected sittin in the servo where the master cylinder sits, no problem got a new master cylinder yesterday...."yep mate, def the one for your car, ABV engine code" "With ABS?" "Yep, for ABS"




Is It FUCK!!!!!!! Feckin prick AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH. :bad-words:


Anyone know where i could get hold of a new master Cylinder from? and quickly, need car on road ASAP, taxi's to work are costing small fortune, tried euro, gsf, mill auto and most the factors in plymouth, None of them do the ABS MC, I'm, thinkin i'm gonna have to go VW, Anyone got a rough price its gonna cost from the stealers?




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Tried Euro's website but they only have non-ABS brake M/C :( Anyone got a Part Number for the ATE Brake master cylinder on A VR6 with ABS?

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Hi Mart


As you're looking for a new MC, would it be a good fix to find an S2 MC? I've been told this is a good change if you're thinking of going for big brakes. Just a thought mate if its any easier or cheaper to find than VW.

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Hi matt


Well i've sorted it now, ended up gettin one form VW :shock: Expensive aint the word!! 240 notes! They only have 2 left in the country now. Will look into the S2 one when i do the brakes but don't think it will be for a while now as have spent quite a bit on the car lately and gotta sort some money out for next season on the sidecar 1st, plus will need 17's , which'll mean i'll have to drop it as well so probably do brakes, wheels and coillies at the same time :grin:

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The S2 25mm one is not an ABS MC


The standard ABS one is £215 + vat from Eurocarparts but it's a TRW part not ATE so best to stick with VAG I reckon...


Any chance you can stick a pic up of the VW one when you get it?

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Supercharged could you help out with my lack of knowledge please. I take it, it makes a difference if the MC is for ABS or not?


Only wondering as I've been advised to get the 25mm S2 unit for use with big brakes. No mention about ABS.


Many thanks mate.

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If the S2 MC isn't ABS then it wont fit a rado vr with ABS.


The VR ABS MC has two unions for the brake pipes that run to the ABS pump and a bleed nipple on where as the non ABS MC has 4 brake unions, one for each pipe that runs to the calipers


If the S2 MC is NON ABS then i'm guessing it will have the 4 unions


Could always ditch the whole ABS system to us the S2 MC..... :norty:


My local TRW distibutor sold me a NON ABS MC insisting it was the right one as they only have that one listed, so interesting that u say eurocarparts use TRW, tho pretty much the same price as the dealers. Mind u the dealer got me the NON ABS the 1st time, was the only one they listed for my car, wasn't untill i gave them the part number that they got me the right one.


SUPERCHARGED i've fitted it now but still have the one i took off so will post a pic of that one up,

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Well everything has been fine with the brakes now

Here what i found when i tool the M/c off :

you can see brake fluid at the bottom inside the servo :nono: not what u want to see :censored:




And for reference this is what the ABS M/C should look like :`


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