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Loose steering

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Hi wondering if anyone can help. Since getting the car about 2 months ago I have noticed the steering always been a bit loose. When I am going down any road with any bumps the car steering wheel has lots of movement and because of that it seems that the car moves all over the place. I have had a VW independent garage look at it and he said that the track rod ends and ball joints are all fine. So now I have no idea what else it could be? I have also had the wheels and camber done and both spot on. Any clues what else it could be? :confused4:

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The effect you are getting is called Bump-steer... often not helped by lowered suspension.


What setup are you running? if you look under the car do the wishbones point upwards towards the outside (wheels) ?

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track rod inner joints will cause this, the ends may be fine as they may have been replaced, the inner joint may have play though.

worn suspension top mountings will also cause this, as will very low cars (as supercharged is saying), those with big wheels and/or poor tyres.

worn wishbone bushes, steering rack and steering column will all contribute too.


If you don't know how to check these yourself, ask the garage to, just becasue it passes an MOT by not having excessive play in the joints doesn't mean they have checked everything that can cause this sort of behaviour, inner track rod joints in particular.

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hey, you might want to try looking at the wheel alignment. sometimes if this is not set up correctly or adversely it can cause you to wonder or follow the road / bumps.

However it will cost you to do this and then if it is fine and you have to change something like a track rod end then you will have to get it set up again.

tyres ok? correct pressures? any wear to them side to side?


unless you are ok with getting hands on or no some one who is, i would take it to a garage and ask them to check for these symptoms.


my vr6 steering isnt great at the moment. feels abit lost in the centre. i think this is the rack its self more than anything but im having one recon'd soon.


as they other guys have mentioned, i would try the track rod ends and top suspension mounts first.



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