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Dr. Robotnik

Friends VXR-R Stolen 15/1/10 Cornwall!

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Hey guys, just posting to ask if any of you could keep an eye out for my friends car that was stolen last Friday!

It's an Astra VXR-R with registration SJ09 GHK, stolen from outside his house in a seeminly nice quiet village during the night!

He's also concerned because it went into Vauxhall last week for some work to be done under warranty and now it's stolen! It could just be coincidence but does seem suspicious, they're the only ones who have had access to the keys other than him, definitely a professional job!


But yeah, here are some photos from his photobucket account



And from Thorney Motorsport (Same model)



if it is any use.


Hopefully the thieving scum will be tracked down and he can get his car back! Though whether he'd want it again after being defiled like that, who knows, it's such a shame.


Anyway, many thanks and all that!



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Feel sorry for the guy, hope ya find it soon

Cheers! Apparently it has been spotted around a couple times driving like a complete twat! But whether it actually has or not, nobody knows.


And on top of it all, just in case he wasn't stressed enough as it is, insurance are refusing to pay out or help in any way! Love how you can pay through the roof for a service they're so reluctant to give!

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insurance are refusing to pay

With any type of insurance really, house,car, phone, there hapy to take your money, but as soon as you need them or a pay out, they dont care.

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