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7.5 x 17 BBS ET46

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Yes, 5 x 100

Not sure what sort of BBS they are

They're originall from a Mitsubishi FTO, but re drilled to x100

I dont want rubbing, but I do want them to fit the arches nicely

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Run it through a wheel offset caculater thingy

Says 16mm less inner clearance and outer it extends an extra 10mm

Standard is et43

So with a 10mm spacer that means it will extend an extra 20mm??

Wont that rub???

Then again I guess I'll have 6mm less clearance on the brakes rather than 16mm, so thats got to be a good thing??

Dont want to go mad, so I think i'll go 10mm front and 15mm rear if that will work without affecting the handling or rubbing

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I run BBS 7.5x17 with an ET of 33 and no problems at all. With a 15mm spacer you will be ET 31 so should be fine. The rear will take up to 20mm

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Standard ET is 43 on a 6.5in/15in speedline

As OSV says, usual ET on a 7.5in/17 wheel for a C is approx 30-35 (not the 46 you have on your wheels).


As you've seen on the calculator your 7.5in wheel is 26mm wider than your 6.5in one (10mm + 16mm). Reducing the ET by ~10mm takes the wheel a safe enough distance from the suspension but as you say will put it another 10mm closer to the arch (20mm + 6mm).


In order to deal with that, you dont increase the width of the tyre with the wider wheels, but instead keep the 205 section of the standard tyres with a lower profile (ie. 205/40/17 vs the normal 205/50/15). This gives a bit of stretch on the tyre but keeps the the circumference of it far enough away from the arch not to cause problems. If you really drop the car then it might rub but ET35 with 205/40/17 is what 95% of people have with zero issues.

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Cheers guys, sounds like if I run a 10 on the front and a 15 on the back, I'll be safe but it will still fill the arches nicely

Thanks again

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