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Oh now what's broken?!?

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Driving to work this morning, sat in traffic, went to move off, and nothing happened. I put my foot down, the revs dropped and the car tried to stall, then all of a sudden it kicked into life again. This happened 3/4 times. It was ok once it got going, although that wasn't much poke.


I'm gonng cross my fingers and say it's a simple air leak between the airbox and throttle housing.


Does this sound about right?

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sounds alot like an airleak problem i had in the past, followed every pipe around the bay to find it was the one from the isv sat right right in front of me, haha

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I've just driven home without any issues at all. Is it still likely to point to an air leak? I had a quick look before leaving work and I couldn't find anything, I had the engine revving and it didn't have any issues.


Am I likely to be looking at something like a sticking choke?

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I've just driven home without any issues at all. Is it still likely to point to an air leak? I had a quick look before leaving work and I couldn't find anything, I had the engine revving and it didn't have any issues.


Am I likely to be looking at something like a sticking choke?

my 1st time :camp: it was a broken pipe, and the second one, a loose one. Both times, I realised it by opening the hood and asking someone to engage 1st speed with handbrake on (so that the engine moves, but the car not). same way as you'd check a for a broken engine mount.




or the spartan way :norty: , push accelerator pedal to the metal, select 1st, and suddenly leave clutch pedal go back to it's original position (just kidding eh!)

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Well i no longer think its an airleak. It really struggled to start this morning, took a good few attempts, then when it did fire up there was a strong smell of petrol. Now it doesnt just judder when i pull off. If im on half throttle its not too bad, then if i put my foot down it judders and struggles, and it often sounded like it was dropping onto 3 cylinders. Basically its completely undriveable now. Do these symptoms point towards one thing? Or am i better off giving it to my local specialist and letting them get on with it? It needs the calipers adjusting and a wheel bearing for its MOT anyway.

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Well i no longer think its an airleak. It really struggled to start this morning, took a good few attempts, then when it did fire up there was a strong smell of petrol. Now it doesnt just judder when i pull off. If im on half throttle its not too bad, then if i put my foot down it judders and struggles, and it often sounded like it was dropping onto 3 cylinders. Basically its completely undriveable now. Do these symptoms point towards one thing? Or am i better off giving it to my local specialist and letting them get on with it? It needs the calipers adjusting and a wheel bearing for its MOT anyway.

I'd get it fixed at your local spec. and ask them to "just check" for the other issue and tell you how much it would cost to get it repaired. if it's easy, DIY; otherway, get it done in there

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Seem to have solved it already. Unplugged the over-run cut off valve, solve the running issues, so looks like i just need to get another one ordered

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Seem to have solved it already. Unplugged the over-run cut off valve, solve the running issues, so looks like i just need to get another one ordered

are you refering to the electrical connector, or the vaccum pipe???

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The electrical connector, all the vacuum pipes have remained in place

ok! it's good to know that it fixed your issue, because this hasn't failed in my car yet :nuts: so.. it's just a matter of time :lol:


btw, ask shaung60, he'll have some for sale for sure :wink:

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