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Rear Wheel Bearing

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My car needs a new rear brake disks so gonna fit new bearings at the same time.

Just wanted to know if all Corrado's use the same bearings ?

mine is a 94 plate VR6.

any help appriciated ! :)

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Yup, all bearings are the same throughout the range. All the rear discs are the same size too. If you replace the discs you have to replace the bearings anyway, as the inner bearing races are pressed into the disc and although they are removable using a suitable drift, it's a false economy as new bearings are cheap as chips.


Don't get GSF bearings either, or any other for that matter, they're all crap. Go for proper VW ones and make sure you use the correct method when putting the preload on them and they'll last for ages.


Fitting them is an easy job, I use a specific sized socket for drifting the 'outer' inner race in, and a decent punch for drifiting the 'inner' inner race in. Then it's just a case of using decent grease on them, fitting the dust seal, making sure the stub axle is perfectly clean and unpitted, then fitting the whole lot along with the thrust washer and nut and then getting the right preload on them.


Job done, takes about half an hour per side providing the carriers come off OK. Be prepared to get a bit angry with the stupid hex-headed bolts that hold the carriers on, especially if some monkey's been at them before and rounded them off. One of mine was rounded and I had to use some heat to get it out, but once that was done it was plain sailing.


FYI, the same bearings are used on loads of VW's, even including the small engined drum braked cars like the Mk3 Polo GT etc.


Hope that helps



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