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2.0 16v low compression?? or some thing els

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i just brought my first corrado on sunday, a 1994 2.0 16v all be it with a running fault, i was told when i purchased the car that it broke down one day on the motor way and then never started again, so the garage it was taken to done some work to the fuel metering head, to get the car running again, but ever since then it has never ran properly on idol and she does seem to pick up quite slowly when reved but seems to drive ok with out any flat spots or any thing like that but she does like to stall when braking unless i toe heal and keep her reving at just over 800rpm


the other day i serviced her new plugs leads dizzy cap rotor arm but that hasn't helped out in the slightest so i done a compression test across the cylinders and came back with no1,125 no2 132 no3 130 no4 127,

that doesn't seem that low to me to be giving me running problems but she defiantly feels like she isn't running on all 4, and when taking the leads off the engine when its running all cylinders cause a drop in rpm apart from cylinder 1,


im having my doubts to the fuel distributor as if its been rebuild right or not ,


i might try an injector on cylinder no as well incase the old one is playing up, does any body know if i can fit one from a 1.8 16v kr motor as they look slimier


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yea slimier? :D i know my bad i noticed :nuts: it just before i submitted my post, but couldnt correct it as i need to wait for mods to monitor my post 1st :cheers:

well iv changed to injector for (audi 80 16v) and till having the same problems checked the timing statically as i dont have a timing light, and that seemed to be ok,


im at a bit of a lost end with it now, i suppose next thing is to try and measure how much each injector is flowing, does any body know a good accurate way to do this

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nice 1 for that link davidwort, :salute:

iv just got back in from being out side in the garage i got my self 4 bottles with the injectors set into them and it was easy to se that iv got a fueling problem on no1 cylinder as it isnt flowing any where near enough fuel, i didnt measure all 4 injectors to see how much they were actually flowing but 3 injectors nearly half filled a small coke bottle and no1 only managed to fill a 1/8th of that,


earlier on i changed no 1 injector for a used audi 80 2.0 16v part, so i changed that back to the original raddo one and ran the test again and got pretty much the same results apart from the audi injector had a cleaner spray pattern.


so now im at the fuel metering head that has already been rebuilt or replaced by other owner, is there any way to adjust how mch fuel each injector is getting from the head.

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yes , but it's tricky, there is a good guide somewhere on club GTI, but basically the little allen headed bolts next to each take off from the top of the metering head adjust the flow to each injector, but you may have to repeat the test several times to balance them all up, there is also another bolt on the side that can be shimmed underneath to alter the overall pressure, presumably if you're not getting enough delivery or pressure is just too low.

Never fiddled with this myself as from the factory they should be calibrated right, but if it's been messed with before you then all bets are off!

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yea i was put off a bit with the thought of fiddling around with the metering head, so got me grubby mits on a 2nd hand item, but that still hasn't made a blind bit of diffidence to the running

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Mine was running rather thirsty so I put a new metering unit on and at first it drove not too bad, but then I lost all power. Stupidly i limped it to my friends and by the time I'd popped the bonnet, the exhaust manifold had turned orange. I'm hoping the engine isn't damaged but its clear it was running too lean. This has put me off fiddling with the fuel metering system.

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