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Anyone made a loom from scratch before??

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I've decided (well... pending any horror stories from you lot) to make a brand new wiring loom for the VR6. New or refurbished multi connectors but all new cable, terminals and webbing/shielding.


Am I nuts to even think about doing this?? I'm not in particular hurry as this is a loooong term restoration project and I'm quite patient (actually that's a complete lie but I can follow instructions). Electricity has never been my friend when it comes to wiring around the house but I think this is something slightly different as I'll essentially just be copying what's already been made.


Thoughts and suggestions would be very welcome.



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Fair bit of work involved, simply extending engine looms is a little daunting, I've made looms for dash functions and they all went well, shouldn't be that bad realy if you've plenty if time and the patience of a saint, I've enquired about new engine looms from the dealers before and they want around 200 if I remember right, keep us posted as to how you get along, and what all the bits and peices cost,

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200 quid?? Really?? Blimey I might buy one then. Now I really don't know what to do, although I would still like the challenge.


Other than ripping the old one out (which is happening soon anyway) and looking at it, are there any other plans to making a loom for the Corrado VR6? In the Bentley perhaps? I don't have one of those yet but will soon hopefully.


I also like the idea of everything being heat shielded properly although I guess I could buy a new loom and shield that correctly instead.


Hmm.... what to do. :confused4:



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