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Starting Issues!!

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Wanted to take my VR6 out this afternoon as its a nice day, it has been sat for over a month i have been starting it every couple of days, i knew i was low on fuel but i think i have ran it dry :epicfail: , so i put a gallon off fuel in her and whent to start her. The engine is turning over but it won't start, i have whipped out all the plugs to check they all seem ok i also checked the coilpack seems fine had a look at the starter motor seems fine(fairly new motor), I can hear the fuel pump whirling away for a couple of seconds when i put the ignition on but the engine won't start its like its starved off fuel what else can i check?

Fuel Relay?

Take the fuel pump out and give it a clean?


Any help would be great thanks



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ok small update


i have replaced the ecu relay (109) but still nothing, i have also ordered Relay 67 from the stealers, i checked to see if the pump was pumping the fuel to the engine so i whipped off the hose at the rail and turned the ignition on the fuel is makeing it way to the engine ok, i also checked the fuel pump aswell seems ok. I have now noticed this afternoon that when i turn the ignition on the Oil light is not doing its usual flashing a few times before the engine is fired up could this have anything to do with my problem? iam going to change the fuel pump relay next and see if that helps what would be after that to try


Ignition Switch?

New Fuel Pump?

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So you've established you have fuel, do you have a spark?


as above, if youve got fuel, spark and air you should see a running vr


if the car turns over properly everytime it wont be starter motor or ignition switch.


fpr sometimes causes a starting issue if the diaphragm has split but the car will still start.


injectors working properly? you can check this by taking the fuel rail off and put them over a bowl whilst turning the car over.

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Yeah i have fuel as i have whipped off the hose at the rail i take it it should just be a small splash off fuel while the ignition is on ?


Yeah the car turns over fine everytime i try and start it, it just won't fire up it is like iam lacking a spark possibily, would it be a waste off time changeing the fuel pump relay then as the pump is pumping the fuel to the engine? the car was running fine untill i ran it abit low on fuel and when i went to put fuel in her it hasn't started since but the injectors were working ok before hand, how easy is it to take the rail out?


Could i also eliminate the chance off a dodgy ignition switch?

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Yeah i have fuel as i have whipped off the hose at the rail i take it it should just be a small splash off fuel while the ignition is on ?


Yeah the car turns over fine everytime i try and start it, it just won't fire up it is like iam lacking a spark possibily, would it be a waste off time changeing the fuel pump relay then as the pump is pumping the fuel to the engine? the car was running fine untill i ran it abit low on fuel and when i went to put fuel in her it hasn't started since but the injectors were working ok before hand, how easy is it to take the rail out?


Could i also eliminate the chance off a dodgy ignition switch?



your car tries to start so you can definately eliminate the starter and ignition switch, if these had gone in any way the engine wouldnt turn.


have you taken the plugs out, left them plugged into the ht leads and turned the engine over to check there all sparking? obviously you may need someone to turn the engine whilst you check.


the inlet manifold needs to come off to check the fuel injectors, the rail is held in by 4 10mm bolts then you just pull it out of the lower inlet (be careful not to damage the rubber o rings when you put the injectors/rail back into the manifold, lube them up) - doubt this will be the problem though


also the fuel pump primes, so doubt youve got an issue with the fuel pump relay aswell

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I only had a couple of plugs out though they seemed ok, ill take the rest of them out though nad see if they spark,


yeah the fuel pump primes it makes a whiring noise for a few seconds,


As i said earlyier could the fact that the oil light does not flash when the ignition is turned on could this have something to do with it possiblly :shrug: ?


What else could i eliminate mate?

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You need to see if you have a spark before you go any further..


Edit: you say youve had a couple of plugs out, does that mean youve checked for spark or just visually checked the plugs?

Also youve mentioned you have a dribble of fuel, which line did you undo the supply line to the injector rail or the return line?

You should have a considerable amount of fuel coming out of the supply line when the fuel pump relay is priming.


Also how much fuel do you have in the tank?

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I had a couple of the plugs out just to visually check first they looked ok, i will go back and check if i have a spark, its all new spark plugs though and a fairly new coilpack.


Regards to the fuel line i took the supply line off to the injectors and turned the ingnition on, there was a small dribble of fuel i mean a really small dribble maybe enough to fill a shot glass. Will i also take the return line off aswell? How much fuel should i expect to come out if the pump is primeing properly?


there is about 2 and a half gallons in the car,



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there should be more fuel than a tiny dibble. it should be enough to bring the rail up to working pressure. i guess saying that maybe it does only pump that much when priming, its been awhile since i last checked this myself.


its possible that you have blocked one of the fuel lines/fuel filter/fuel pump when you ran the tank dry. it would have sucked up all the crap at the bottom of the tank at this point. i wouldnt pin it on this personally but its possible.


check spark first as that is easy to do, then go back and check fuel supply.

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thanks for the reply mate,


yeah ill check to see if i have a spark first and take it from there, would it be worth takeing all the plugs out or just a couple?


I would off thought that it would be more than a dribble to be honest but maybe not, i think its defeneltly a fuel related problem, i have ordered a fuel pump relay so ill take it from there.



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thanks for the reply mate,


yeah ill check to see if i have a spark first and take it from there, would it be worth takeing all the plugs out or just a couple?


I would off thought that it would be more than a dribble to be honest but maybe not, i think its defeneltly a fuel related problem, i have ordered a fuel pump relay so ill take it from there.




like i said before your fuel pump primes so the relay is probably not at fault. it doesnt need to pump a lot of fuel on prime, tbh it doesnt need to prime to get the engine running, the prime just helps bring the pressure up which then assists the start.


check all of the plugs, do it properly, do it once. i wouldnt assume fuel problem before checking this.


have you tried taking the flow pipe off and turning the car over yet to see if its pumping properly? even if its a knackered pump which doesnt produce the correct pressure to the rail you should still get the car to run (maybe like a bag of $hit, but running none the less)

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ok ill check the plugs first to see if iam getting a spark,


No i havent tryed that yet with the flow and tryed to start it, Stupid question but how could the car turn over if it aint getting the fuel if i have the flow pipe off?


come to think of it i did notice last week when the car was running the pump was makeing a few weirds noises and was louder than normal and i did say to a mate that i bet my fuel pump was on its way out i don't know if this is the case. But if iam getting fuel and if my spark plugs are sparking what the hell could it be?



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ok ill check the plugs first to see if iam getting a spark,


No i havent tryed that yet with the flow and tryed to start it, Stupid question but how could the car turn over if it aint getting the fuel if i have the flow pipe off?


come to think of it i did notice last week when the car was running the pump was makeing a few weirds noises and was louder than normal and i did say to a mate that i bet my fuel pump was on its way out i don't know if this is the case. But if iam getting fuel and if my spark plugs are sparking what the hell could it be?





it will be something simple which weve mentioned, its a process of elimination, i wouldnt worry too much.


the starter motor will turn the engine over regardless of fuel or spark


if youve noticed unusual loud whirring noises from the pump it usually means its on its way out, the car should still run to an extent though if fuel is still being pumped.

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right i have checked the car to see if iam getting a spark i could only manage to get 4 plugs out (the other 2 are a absoulte bastard to get the leads off and i dn't have the little tool to whip the leads off and my local stealership didn't have any in stock surprise surprise) anyway whipped out the 4 plugs held them on top of the manifold got someone else to turn the car over i have no spark from either of the 4 plugs.


So i know that i have fuel getting to the engine but i have no spark does this mean my coilpack is goosed? as none of the plugs were sparking? also it wouldn't matter would it that i only managed to get 4 plugs out but none of them were sparking?




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same sort of thing happened to me few months back,turned out to be crank shaft position sensor,don't know if thats any help

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i came to the conclusion that my coil was goosed as i whipped the plugs out and none off them were sparking, i now have a new coilpack and iam fitting it tomorrow so hopefully i can get her running :D

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ok i have now replaced my coilpack and the bloody car still want start it still turning over and over but will not start!!! :censored: :bad-words:


What else could be at fault?


my crank shaft sensor is only a year and a half old.



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