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VR6 Timing/Cam Issue

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Chaps I'm looking for some input on this one before I go and get the spanners out again.


I finally installed the set of Schimmel 263's that have been burning a hole in my tool box since January last week and although I have not had the car remapped yet I am a little disapointed with the results. Now I have read through the forum in regards to these prior to my purchase and you lot had been giving them rave reviews regardless of remapped or not so this got me thinking what have I done wrong !!


I was so paranoid about getting the timing right I must have checked it twenty times and then once more for good measure. Hydraulic lifters had been replaced for new ones and I primed the engine/chain adjuster before starting her properly.


Only in the last couple of days have I really been able to stretch the old girls legs an although initial accerleration is ok in 1st and 2nd I find myself having to rev the car a lot harder than previously to get results once higher up the gears. This morning on the way to work I managed to loacte a stretch of my local dual carraigeway with no vehicles on it (very rare) so gave it some stick into treble figures but again it has a kind of retarded feel. Idle although a little lumpy isn't terrible and the thing still starts fist time !!


Is it that I am being paranoid and I need to go visit Stealth and get it remapped and enjoy it or could I have set it a tooth back/forward on the cams or it jumped during the initial startup ??

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id take it back to stealth and let them have a look, vince has many years experiance on the vr engines, it could be a sensor problem, air mass meter. ?ect

what is it delivering on the rolling road?

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I like to work on the what did I change last theory and the car was fine prior to the Cam change. I want to get it running properly before I book up with Stealth for a remap so I reckon I will crack the spanners out and check the settings for the 22nd time :shock:

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im sure if you had a tooth out, it would run alot worse than what your describing, if your worried, get it timed and take some photos , of the intermediate sprocket cam, crank timing,to see if its in ok.do you have vagcom,or a code reader at hand.?

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I checked for faults with Vagcom this morning and nothing was reported, which is good in a way I suppose, created a log anyway.


680 /min RPM Engine Speed

1.008 O2 Active

6.8 °BTDC Ignition Timing

3.80 ms Injector ON Time

182.0°C EGR Temp (if available)

13.7° Throttle Angle

56.7°C Intake Air Temp - Manifold

1.039 ISV Adaptation


Like you say if it was out I would expect it to run like a pig as well. Think I'll take a look around it tonight and make sure that I have not left anything loose or squashed a breather or something equally daft before I start taking it apart again.

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Did you fit a new reference wheel on the cam? These can go brittle and crack but maybe not come up as a fault on VAGCOM because the sensor itself is working.

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