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Spongy brake pedal

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I'm new to this forum, but I've been reeding it for a while, trying to get help for my spongy break pedal. Basically I've tried almost everything mentioned in variuos treads here. It's a Corrado VR6 from 92 LHD. I've been trying to bleed in variuos ways, including the Eezybleed which I bought after reading this forum. The cailpers,disc and pads in the rear have been replaced and also pads in the front and the handbrake cable have been replaced. Only thing I haven't tried is bleeding the MC, because I can't find the bleed nipple. Does anybody know excatly where it is located ? Also the Eezybleed doesn't tell me how to get the fluid down to normal level after bleeding. I mean do I have to do the last cylinder the old fashioned way to get the levels down ? Any help is very welcome.

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Careful with the Eezybleed... if you put too much pressure through it then you can invert the seals in the master cylinder which can give the effect of spongy brakes...

Check your MC for the bleed nipple again bud... both of mine have a nipple at the end pointing upwards, can put a image up if you want.

Also ensure that your caliper cylinder nipples are clear but not opened too far when you bleed. If it only opens slightly or is corroded and blocked then it takes ages to bleed and you're probably loose the pressure from the Eezybleed.

Always use the correct fluid as well.

If you really need to correct the level afterwards then just bleed through until level is correct.

To be honest, think everyone has there own preferred way of bleeding ie start with the furthest caliper away from the MC etc so would suggest just walking away, have a cuppa and run through it again slow time and maybe try it the old way with the pedal.


Whilst you're there also check you brake pipes and flexi's for damage and/or corrosion.


Hope thats some help.

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