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Fan run on problems

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Went to start the car this morning and the battery was flat, it's been a bit sluggish in the mornings. When I lifted the bonnet to jump start it from the wife's "Thing" the cooling fan was running. I pulled the lead from the fan run on sensor and it still ran so I disconnected the plug at the radiator, started it and went into work. Tried it during my break and it started OK and again later.


On the way home I got stuck in traffic and the temps started to get high but got home before they got too high.


When I got home it got I reconnected everything and the upshot is that when the run on sensor is connected nothing happens, the fan doesn't turn. Remove the connector from it and short it to the head and the fan runs suggesting the sensor is duff.


I reconnected it and was out tonight and when I came home the fan ran on as if everything was working OK but when I went to the car 20 minutes later the fan was still running. Disconnected the run on sensor and it still ran. Disconnected the fan and left t for a couple of seconds, reconnected it and the fan stayed stopped. Reconnected the sensor, the fan stayed stopped. Shorted the sensor connection to the head and the fan started running and stopped when I took it off the head. I've now disconnected the sensor and taped up the connection. But what the heck is going on? Anyone got any ideas or am I missing something obvious. :shrug:


The car is a 1.8 16v 1990

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Does your car have the Temp sensor by the rocker cover on the left, if so could be that.


I not long had the same problem, replaced this and was AO.K



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Thanks Farrantino. The problem is that the sensor doesn't appear to be working but the fan does run on at times when it is connected and I was wondering if anything else controls it. I'll need to get a new one anyway but every penny is a prisoner at the moment. Where did you get yous and how much was it? Thanks



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Thanks Farrantino. The problem is that the sensor doesn't appear to be working but the fan does run on at times when it is connected and I was wondering if anything else controls it. I'll need to get a new one anyway but every penny is a prisoner at the moment. Where did you get yous and how much was it? Thanks



No problem, i think that switch/sensor tells the fan to cut out when the air inside the engine bay cools down, could be wrong but im sure its that.

i got mine from my local motor factors for about £5.00, works a treat.



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Great, I'll get one ASAP. Mind you £5:00 is 2.5 pints of real ale from my local wetherspoons. I'm going to feel deprived.

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Great, I'll get one ASAP. Mind you £5:00 is 2.5 pints of real ale from my local wetherspoons. I'm going to feel deprived.



the C is more inportant


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Oh God, decisions decisions. I would be teetotal now if I hadn't already got one. By the way, Wetherspoons are running a real ale festival type of thing at the moment. Good beers at a sensible price. Pity I'm so sensible or I'd be blootered constantly.


Oh, and thinking about it logically, I suppose if the sensor switches the fan off by creating an earth it would switch it off when the temperature drops breaking the connection. Isn't aftersight a wonderful thing. Thanks again for your help.



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